Academic Resources

Learning Services

The Center for Culture, Equity, and Empowerment (CCEE) has an ongoing partnership with Learning Services under which our staff can refer students for limited tutoring services. Learning Services recruits and maintains a tutor referral service. Tutors are available for most subjects offered at George Mason University. Students should also consider taking one of the workshops offered by Learning Services on study skills or exam strategies.

Center for Academic Advising, Retention and Transition (CAART):
3500 Student Union Building (SUB) I

Advising Questions: Ask an Advisor

Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00

Phone: 703.993.2470
Fax: 703.993.2478

The professional staff at the Center for Academic Advising, Retention and Transition advises current George Mason undergraduate students in the following categories:

  • Those with majors listed as Undeclared-no preference
  • Those who are considering changing their major
  • Undergraduate non-degree seeking students
  • Those seeking information concerning health related professional programs, ie., pre-med, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy, pre-physical therapy, pre-veterinary, and physician assistants (does not include nursing)

Academic Advising

The Office of Student Success and Academic Services has moved all advising services to a virtual setting. To best serves students and ensure their safety, the Office is transitioning to 15-minute virtual advising meetings. These meetings will be 1-on-1 appointments allowing you to speak directly with an advisor through videoconferencing technology.

During this time period, The Office of Student Success and Academic Services will be providing virtual services during the hours of:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 11:40 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

NOTE: These meetings are only for current Mason students and are limited to the Office's "Peak Walk-ins" services. To view our services being offered, please refer to the "Peak Walk-ins" section of this document.


To schedule a 15-minute meeting virtual meeting (for current Mason students only):

  1. Access GMU Navigate.
  2. Enter your Mason NetID and password. Select login.
  3. Submit and confirm your password sharing preference before clicking on "Accept."
  4. Select the "Get Assistance" button in the top right corner and follow the steps to schedule your appointment.
  5. For Mason students in the School of Business:
    • “What type of appointment would you like to schedule?”- select Academic Advising
    • “Select your College below...”- select School of Business
    • “Which major/program/service?”- choose the option that best describes what you are looking to achieve
    • From here you will select our location and then have the option to select an advisor. Please make sure to read the confirmation page for details you will need to participate in the virtual advising meeting
  6. For Mason students who are NOT in the School of Business
    • “What type of appointment would you like to schedule?”- select Academic Advising
    • “Select your College below...”- select one of these options:
      • Advising outside your college
      • Declare/change program
      • Minor advising
    • “Which major/program/service?”- choose Business General Advising
    • From here you will select our location and then have the option to select an advisor. Please make sure to read the confirmation page for details you will need to participate in the virtual advising meeting

If you encounter difficulties accessing any of the resources offered through this office, please contact the Office of Student Success and Academic Services at or by calling 703-993-1880. For more information about Mason's commitment to accessibility, please visit Accessibility@Mason.

For questions, configuration concerns, and feedback on your user experience, please contact

For prospective transfer students wondering how your credits will transfer to Mason, you may review the Transfer Credit Matrix. The Office of Transfer Services also offers a wide range of resources for transfer students.