Kinza Shaikh

Kinza Shaikh

Kinza Shaikh is an undergraduate George Mason University student, majoring in Cyber Security Engineering and will be graduating in May 2022. She is part of Honors College and is involved on campus through GMU ISACA Student Group (GMUISG) and Mason Competitive Cyber Club. In addition, she is 2018 STEP (Student Transition Empowerment Program) scholar.

She is always eager to learn and is interested in cryptography/steganography, reverse engineering, and application security. During her free time, she likes to read novels, watch movies, and play board games, especially chess, with her friends and family.

She likes to meet new people and would love to meet you!

Contact Kinza at 703-993-2700 or e-mail: with the text “Attn: Kinza” in the subject line.